Makeup Artist in Utah | TV & Film HMUA | Salt Lake City Hair and Makeup Artist
Bridal Makeup Artist in Utah | Commercial Makeup Artist in Utah | Sundance Film Festival Makeup Artist
The one thing I always tell my clients when I am doing the makeup for a photoshoot (specially the ones that are not used to wearing any makeup) is that for a photoshoot you should wear about 30% more product that you would for a normal application. Why? you ask, well during a shoot you are most likely going to be exposed with artificial lighting, which tends to pale the skin. Even outside, photographers will use reflectors on you to capture the sun’s light and get your face exposed. Another thing to keep in mind is that SPF products should be completely avoided. SPF is designed to deflect the lighting from your skin so that UVA rays dont penetrate, this deflection will show as a ghost face in any picture, so… thats a big ‘no bueno’.
Hair & Makeup- Nikra Centeno @ncstudioutah
Photographer- Shantelle Rasmussen @shantellerasmussenphoto
Model- Celeste Dahl @celeste_mess